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I am Tanya,  a small town prairie girl, an RYT and a Certified Menstrual Health coach and a Natural Contraception and Fertility educator.


I have big passions for a holistic lifestyle, astrology and living in harmony with nature, the earth and the moon.  When I am not following my two kids and cheering them on in their sports and passions, I like to spend time in nature, on my front deck, in my garden, walking or at the beach. I love being on my mat, and love learning and expanding my knowledge in natural women’s wellness and astrology.


My health journey began when I was starting to transition from Maiden to Mother when I was 25 and has been a progressional journey led by intuition and listening to my body.  Products that are natural and good for my health and the earth is where it all started, getting off birth control, becoming a mother, learning to navigate motherhood, continuing my education in wellness and yoga, becoming a yoga teacher and finding a spiritual practice that really resonated with me, giving up alcohol and discovering the power of my menstrual cycle has all led me to this point on my journey.

woman standing in a field, smiling

We are always told that PMS symptoms are “just a part of being a woman”.

I was having wild mood swings, and would have a day of uncontrollable crying at least once every three months. I would fly off the handle and then go through shame and guilt of losing my sh*t on my children, I didn’t even like myself half the time.  I also struggled with painful bleeds and cyclical digestive issues, but this is all just normal, right???  


I read the book Womancode by Alisa Vitti and learned that this in fact isn’t NORMAL at all, it's just common.  I learned about the 4 phases of my cycle, how to support myself, my energy, my nutrition and productivity during these phases and those mood swings and breakdown days pretty much disappeared, my digestive issues got better and I learned the power of cycle syncing.  My life was changed!! 


Learning this at 38 years old, having gone through more than half of my menstruating years, I was frustrated to be just finding out about this, and I felt called to share this with other women. 


At 40, I signed up for training to become a Menstrual Cycle Coach so I could help women discover their potential.  Loving the education so much I took Level 2, the spiritual side of menstruation, and then Natural Contraception and Fertiity educator training.

woman reading a book

Wherever you are on your cyclical journey, I am here to revolutionize your views on your menstrual cycle, guide you to love and support your cycle and introduce you to the super power that resides within you. 


Let’s discover your inner goddess together!

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